Software Download

Current release of Tekomar XPERT

Program installer

Download this program installer if you intend to install the software in locations having internet connection.

Installer package

Download this installer package if you need to install the software in remote locations without internet connection.
This package contains:

  • Current release of .msi installer
  • Microsoft .NET 4.7.1 Framework installer redistributable
  • Documentation (also refer to application help F1)

Note: For distribution to remote locations, you have to add the corresponding license file (*.tpl) and configuration (*.tpi), both sent with delivery E-mail, to this package before burning to CD-ROM or copying to USB storage. For detailed instructions about setup and activation, see page Help.

Application updates

You can use the programs built in function to check for new updates and install automatically. If the program runs in an environment without internet connection, offline update packages must be applied. You can download the corresponding differential update package here and send it to remote locations by E-mail or CD-ROM/USB Storage. Please note that when sent as E-mail attachment, Antivirus scanners could potentially block the package because of its content.

  1. Identify the currently installed version on the target computer
  2. Download from below the corresponding offline updater [installed version] > [current version]
  3. Send the package to the target computer, unzip it and follow the instructions in README.txt

Note: Installing offline updates requires administrative privileges on the target computer.

Offline update packages for current release (Tekomar XPERT)


Combustion Monitoring

Owners of the Tekomar Combustion Monitoring S (TCM-S) electronic cylinder pressure indicator device can download the driver from here (also included in the USB storage / CD-ROM shipped together with the TCM-S device, inside the case):